About Maestrelli
Welcome to Our Maestrelli Company
We provide future of Maestrelli
The firm operates in the Virtual Prototyping arena using the up to date leading technologies.
Our great experience of working in many different industries enables us to transfer unique skills across different markets to benefit our clients. Innovative technologies such as carbon fiber components design, new manufacturing processes, robotics and mechatronics applications are daily faced.
A wide range of expertise in mechanical design committed to product innovation ranging from Aerospace, Defense, Oil&Gas, OffShore, Automotive, Naval, Industry, Power, Transport, etc. A wide-ranging knowledge in Finite Elements Analysis Simulation was gained with continuous work in this field since 1988 within all most innovative industrial sectors. FEM models preparation and application are supported in all mechanical and thermal areas.
A long-lasting experience throughout challenging projects has been gathered and permits us to face innovation in daily work.

Our work
Our crew
Meet the Team
Streamer fish California halibut Pacific saury. Slickhead grunion lake trout. Canthigaster rostrata spikefish brown trout loach